Occasionally, as a publisher I get an odd email or letter from KDP or Amazon. Rarely do I ever get a physical letter from them. However, I recently got a physical letter via the Postal Service from Amazon about unclaimed property. The letter had this title across the top: Important Notice of Unclaimed Property – Requires Immediate Response
What? How does Amazon have unclaimed property that belongs to Casagrande Press? At first, I thought it might be a strange phishing by mail scheme. But the instructions said to sign the letter and send it back to a real Amazon email address, so that made if feel more legit.
Digging into it, apparently, I had money in a GoodReads account and Amazon wanted to give it back to me. This made me wonder, I had credit on my Amazon account, how many years would it have to sit there before Amazon would write me a letter to return it?
Here’s a copy of the letter they sent me. I whited out some of my personal information.

I did as instructed and emailed a copy of the signed letter to tax-escheatment@amazon.com.
Wait, what’s that word? “Escheatment” I had to look it up. It means process of returning lost or unclaimed property to the state for safekeeping until the owner is identified.
Someone from Amazon responded to me email and they said that in several weeks I will get a check for the funds, $16.05. Let’s see what happens….